Send files from Mediagraph to Lightroom Cloud

Mediagraph Support
Mediagraph Support
  • Updated

Who can use this feature?

All members.

Available on all plans

Files are sent to Lightroom through a Lightbox that has been connected to a Lightroom Album. You can connect a Lightbox to a Lightroom Album by following the instructions here: Create a Lightroom Album from a Mediagraph Lightbox

Send files from Mediagraph to Lightroom

If you have connection settings set to Send all files to Lightroom, Mediagraph will automatically send any photo in a connected Lightbox to Lightroom as soon as you add it:

  1. Select the photo(s) you would like to send to Lightroom.

  2. Drag and drop them onto the correct connected Lightbox. They will be sent to the connected Lightroom Album in the background.


If you have connection settings set to Send selected files to Lightroom, Mediagraph will only send photos in a connected Lightbox when requested to do so:

  1. Select the photo(s) you would like to send to Lightroom.
  2. Drag and drop them onto the correct connected Lightbox.
  3. In the Lightbox, make sure the photos you would like to send are selected.
  4. Click Send Selected Files in the Lightroom Connection sidebar.


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