Make a new copy of a file and upload it back to Mediagraph

Mediagraph Support
Mediagraph Support
  • Updated

Who can use this feature?

All members who can upload to a Lightbox they create.

Available on all plans.

If you have sent a photo to Lightroom for processing, you will want to have the updated version in your Mediagraph account as well. For most users, this is done by sending a new copy of the file back through a Lightroom album connected to Mediagraph. One way to keep these copies organized is by using one Lightbox to send files to Lightroom and another to retrieve them.

Make a new copy of a file and upload it back to Mediagraph

To upload a new copy of a file to a Lightbox other than the one it was sent from:
  1. Right-click anywhere on the image
  2. Hover over Share to…
  3. Click Mediagraph.
  1. Drag and drop the image onto Mediagraph in the left-hand sidebar.
  2. Choose the Lightbox you want to upload it to.
  3. Click Continue.


To upload a new copy of a file to the same Lightbox it was sent from, either:

  • Find the correct album in the Connections panel and click the arrows under Resend.


  • With the album open, click the dots in the top right corner and click Resend.


Both of these buttons will send any updated files in the album back to Mediagraph as a new copy.

Pro Tip: You can also retrieve new copies of updated files from inside a connected Lightbox in Mediagraph. Use the Sync All or Selective Sync buttons in the Lightroom Connection panel of the sidebar, depending on how your connection was set up.

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