Connecting Mediagraph and Lightroom Classic

Mediagraph Support
Mediagraph Support
  • Updated

Who can use this feature?

Admins and Content Managers

Available on all plans 

The Lightroom Publish Plugin allows for external services like Mediagraph to seamlessly integrate with Lightroom Classic. Follow these steps to set up the connection.

Note: Although the Plugin should work with a number of older versions of Lightroom, we suggest updating Lightroom Classic to the most recent version before installing and running the Plugin.

Download and install the plugin

  • Download the Publish Plugin here. Store the Plugin on your computer in a memorable place. We suggest creating a folder called Lightroom Plugins for this.
  • Open Lightroom and go to File > Plugin Manager. Click the Add button at bottom left and navigate to the plugin folder.
  • Select the Mediagraph plugin and click Add Plugin.


Create the Mediagraph publish connection

  • In Mediagraph go to the File Vault and click the + and select New Lightroom Publish Connection…
  • Name the Connection. We suggest naming it for the owner of the Lightroom Catalog, the name of the Catalog, and the MediaGraph account name (e.g. “Peter Krogh Master Catalog to DAMUseful MediaGraph”).
  • Select the Mediagraph user who will be the owner of the Lightroom Catalog.
  • Click Create.




Connect Mediagraph with Lightroom

  • Make sure Lightroom is running and the Publish Plugin has been installed.
  • In the Mediagraph File Vault, mouse over the Info_Popup.pngInfo pop-over next to the new Lightroom Publish Connection.
  • In the manage popup click the Connect Lightroom button. Click OK.
  • In the popup click Open Adobe Lightroom. This will send your Publish Connection settings over to Lightroom.




Finish setup in Lightroom

  • In the Lightroom Publish Services panel find Mediagraph-LR and click set up… This will launch the Lightroom Publish Manager.
  • In the Mediagraph Account panel click the Get Connection Settings button. Your Mediagraph account settings will populate. For most people, the default settings will be the right ones to use. Note that you can change all the important settings at a later date, so don't stress too much about getting this perfect right now.




Test connection

  • In the Lightroom Library right-click on the Mediagraph Publish Service panel.
  • Click Create Mediagraph Organizer…
  • Give it a name (this can be changed at a later date if desired). Click Create.
  • Right-click on the new Organizer and click on Create Mediagraph Storage Folder. This name can also be changed whenever you like.
  • Drag a few files into the new Storage Folder in Lightroom. 
  • Make sure you are in the Grid view of the Library, and hit the Publish button at the top right of the grid. You will see progress bar as files upload.
  • Go back into Mediagraph and refresh the Folders panel and verify that the Organizer and folder exist, and that the files are coming in.
  • You’re all set!




What's Next

Metadata Syncing between MediaGraph and Lightroom

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