Using the Tag Tree to filter assets

Mediagraph Support
Mediagraph Support
  • Updated

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All members.

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You can use the Tag Tree to easily filter assets based on what tags are (or aren’t) applied to them.

  • Clicking the Tag Count will automatically apply that filter to the file set you are viewing, only displaying files that have this tag.
  • Mousing over the Tag Count will open the tag filter pop-up and give you more filter options. You can display shown files with a certain tag, without a certain tag, or ask MediaGraph to show every file in the account with that tag.


Click a tag count to apply that tag as a filter. Mouse over the tag count to open the tag filter pop-up.

Filter for Multiple Tags

When applying multiple tag filters, the Tag Tree has two different modes applying filters: Union Mode and Intersection Mode.

  • Intersection_Mode.pngUnion Mode allows you to select multiple tag filters and MediaGraph will display all files that have either tag. 
  • Union_Mode.pngIntersection Mode allows you to select multiple tags and MediaGraph will display all files that have both tags.

For example, let’s say you want to see all assets with a cat and a dog. Click the Tag Counts for the tags cat and dog, and make sure the Tag Tree is set to Intersection Mode. This will bring up assets that are tagged with both cat and dog. When the Tag Tree is in Union Mode, MediaGraph will display all assets tagged with cat or dog.

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