Why aren't my files importing from Dropbox?

Mediagraph Support
Mediagraph Support
  • Updated
Mediagraph Troubleshooting:

Why won't my files import from Dropbox?

Dropbox won't upload

If you are having trouble uploading files from your Dropbox account, try one of these solutions.

Check that the files have not been previously uploaded to Mediagraph

If files are not uploading from Dropbox it could be because they have already been uploaded to Mediagraph. You are not allowed to import the same file twice from Dropbox.

Try searching for the file in Mediagraph to see if it was previously uploaded. You can search on the file name using the global search in Mediagraph. 

Check to make sure you're uploading from the same account that is authorized on your profile

In order to upload from Dropbox, you have to authorize Mediagraph to connect your account. Mediagraph can only connect to one Dropbox account at a time. If you have multiple Dropbox accounts, make sure that the one you're logged into is the one you've authorized under your Mediagraph Profile Settings

If neither of the above work, try reconnecting your Dropbox account.

Follow the steps in our article, linked here.

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