Access requests help to control and track of the use of assets by members of your organization and others. When asset requests are enabled, users with permission to view an asset can request download permission. Once access is granted, a PDF receipt is automatically generated containing information about the request. In order to select and format the information about your organization included in each receipt, follow the steps below.
Configure Access Request Receipts
- In the Manage tab of your Mediagraph account, click Site Settings.
- Click to open the Access Requests dropdown.
- Select an email address you want to notify any time a new access request is submitted. You may enter more than one address.
- Enter your organization's contact information. This can include a company name, email address, physical address, phone number.
- Add terms of use to the text box at the bottom of the panel. There is no character limit. If you want more room, the text box can be expanded by dragging the bottom right corner.
- Click the blue Save button to confirm the changes you made.
Pro Tip: The terms you include here can be formatted using Markdown syntax. If you are unfamiliar with Markdown, take a look at the simple guide here.