Getting Started with Access Requests

Mediagraph Support
Mediagraph Support
  • Updated

Who can use this feature?

All members.

Available on all plans.

Access requests are an easy way to control and track the use of assets by members of your organization and others. When access requests are enabled, users with permission to view assets can requestaccess.png in order to download them. When requesting access, a user must provide a name for the request, a description of why they are requesting use of the asset, a deadline, and the file size they would like to download.
Admins can add custom fields, in case they need further information about use. Some possible fields include duration of use, print sizes, sharing platforms desired, or geographical region where use is intended. After an access request is submitted, an Admin or Content Manager can approve or reject access to any assets within the request individually.

Once access is granted, Mediagraph automatically generates a PDF receipt. receiptpdf.pngThis receipt contains information about the request, including the date and time, identity of the requesting party, and the specific terms of use approved for the asset. Any additional custom fields are also included in the receipt. These receipts are saved to a folder in your Mediagraph account where they can be reviewed at a later date.

After an access request has been submitted, admins can be notified in three ways: by a badge in the notifications icon, in the Manage>Access Requests page, and through a notification email, if configured to send one. Once the access request has been finalized, the requester is given permission to download any and all approved assets. The approval receipt is saved in the access request Lightbox for the requester's reference.


Read more about how to configure and use the access request feature:

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