Automatically Import from a Watched Folder on Google Drive

Mediagraph Support
Mediagraph Support
  • Updated

Who can use this feature?

Admins and Content Managers.

Available on all plans.

You can connect a Folder in the File Vault to a folder in Google Drive as a "watched folder". When files or folders are added to the Google Drive folder or any of its subfolders, those files are automatically imported into Mediagraph. 

Setting up a watched Folder

You must first connect your Mediagraph to your Google Drive account. Once you have done that, you will see a new item in the Folder Info Popover that allows you to choose a folder on Google Drive to be a watched folder.


Once you have selected the folder, the dialog box will show the selection. 

Watch Folder Selected.png

Whenever you add something new to this folder, it will be added to Mediagraph. 

Additional Details

Here are some additional details. 

  • When you connect the Watched Folder, existing files inside that folder are NOT automatically imported. If you want existing material, you'll need to import it as described in the Getting Started page. 
  • Removing a file from Google Drive will not remove it from Mediagraph. 
  • You can move the files outside of the Watched Folder.
  • Adding files to the Watched Folder in Mediagraph does not add the files the Google Drive. 

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