Why can't I "switch to" another user?

Mediagraph Support
Mediagraph Support
  • Updated
Mediagraph Troubleshooting:

How do I switch users?

"Switch to" isn't working

Help switching to a new user

Mediagraph's "Switch to" feature allows Admins, Content managers and Library managers to use Mediagraph as any other member of their organization. This tool is a helpful way to confirm whether or not a member has permission to view an asset, or to confirm whether or not a member has access to any management feature. Note that you cannot "Switch to" a user with a role higher than your own. Library Managers can switch to Taggers or General Members, but they cannot switch to Content Managers or Admins.

If you've invited a new member to join your organization's Mediagraph account, and you're unable to "Switch to" their account, confirm that they have accepted the invitation. Sending a new invitation gives the holder of the invited email address the ability to create a new account, but it does not create a new account automatically. “Switch to” does not work properly for people who have been invited but have not yet accepted an invitation to the account. 

If you are on the Members page in the Manage tab, click Invites at the top of the page. This will show you a list of all invitations sent from your Mediagraph account. If the email address in question shows "pending" in the status column, that means that the recipient has not yet accepted the invitation to create an account. If you think they might have missed the invitation, you can click the resend.png  button.


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