Download a Console Log

Mediagraph Support
Mediagraph Support
  • Updated

When helping you troubleshoot an issue, Mediagraph Support may ask that you download and send a log from your web browser's console. This helps us look behind the scenes to find the cause of an issue you're having. Follow the instructions for your browser below.

  • With the error appearing in Chrome:
    1. Click the three dots in the top right corner.
    2. Click or hover over More Tools.
    3. Click Developer Tools.
    4. Click in the toolbar to open the Console.
    5. Right click anywhere in background the list and click Save as... to download a log to send to Mediagraph Support.
  • With the error appearing in Firefox:
    1. Open the Tools menu in the toolbar.
    2. Click or hover over Browser Tools.
    3. Click Browser Console.
    4. Right click any item in the Console window that opens and click Save all Messages to File to download a log to send to Mediagraph Support.
  • With the error appearing in Safari:
    1. In the Safari menu, click Settings.
    2. On the Advanced tab of the Settings window, click to turn on Show Develop menu in menu bar.
    3. In the Develop menu, click Show JavaScript Console.
    4. Select all the entries in the Console and right click to Save Selected.
  • With the error appearing in Microsoft Edge:
    1. In the Tools menu, click or hover over Developer.
    2. Click JavaScript Console.
    3. Right click any item in the Console and click Save as... to download a log to send to Mediagraph Support.

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