When helping you troubleshoot an issue, Mediagraph Support may ask that you download and send a log from your web browser's console. This helps us look behind the scenes to find the cause of an issue you're having. Follow the instructions for your browser below.
- With the error appearing in Chrome:
- Click the three dots in the top right corner.
- Click or hover over More Tools.
- Click Developer Tools.
- Click in the toolbar to open the Console.
- Right click anywhere in background the list and click Save as... to download a log to send to Mediagraph Support.
- With the error appearing in Firefox:
- Open the Tools menu in the toolbar.
- Click or hover over Browser Tools.
- Click Browser Console.
- Right click any item in the Console window that opens and click Save all Messages to File to download a log to send to Mediagraph Support.
- With the error appearing in Safari:
- In the Safari menu, click Settings.
- On the Advanced tab of the Settings window, click to turn on Show Develop menu in menu bar.
- In the Develop menu, click Show JavaScript Console.
- Select all the entries in the Console and right click to Save Selected.
- With the error appearing in Microsoft Edge:
- In the Tools menu, click or hover over Developer.
- Click JavaScript Console.
- Right click any item in the Console and click Save as... to download a log to send to Mediagraph Support.