Set up color labels

Mediagraph Support
Mediagraph Support
  • Updated

Who can use this feature?

All members can view, but only admins and managers can enable.

Available on all plans

Color labels are a great way to easily distinguish files from one another with a quick glance. Users of Adobe Lightroom and other apps will be familiar with this tool, which allows you to represent a metadata field of your choice with a color value. Color labeling has been added to Mediagraph’s custom metadata feature, allowing you to assign color values to any single-value controlled vocabulary field.

Color Labels 1.png

There’s no right or wrong way to use these labels. You can have as many sets of color labels as you need. They can be used in a way that’s flexible according to what’s important to you at a given moment. All users can see color labels, and can switch between different color labeling schema with a single click in the View Settings menu. Taggers and above can update color labels.

Follow the steps below to add color labels to a custom metadata field.

Create new color labels

  1. In the Manage tab, select Custom Meta Fields from the left hand sidebar.
  2. Click Add Custom Meta Field
  3. Give your label scheme a Name and optional Description, so that your users know how it should be used.
  4. Make sure Single Value is selected.
  5. Type the first entry into the Enter New Value... field.
  6. Click Add to add it, then repeat until you have entered all the options you want to have for color labeling.
  7. Click to open the color pickers to the left of each entry. Select a color to represent each one.
  8. If this is a label that you will want to apply and update frequently, click the radio button to select Add to Action Menu. Taggers and above can use the options in the Action Menu to apply and change the color labels.
  9. Click Create.
New Custom Meta Field.png

Note: Custom metadata fields will not be visible in View Options unless colors have been assigned to them.

Add color labels to an existing metadata field

  1. In the Manage tab, select Custom Meta Fields from the left hand sidebar.
  2. Find the field you want to add color labels to. In the Value column, make sure it is a single-value field. Click the Edit button corresponding to the field.
  3. Click to open the color pickers to the left of each entry. Select a color to represent each one. 
  4. If this is a label that you will want to apply and update frequently, click the radio button to select Add to Action Menu. Taggers and above can use the options in the Action Menu to apply and change the color labels.
  5. Click Save.
Edit Custom Meta Field.png

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