Advanced Search Bar Operators

Mediagraph Support
Mediagraph Support
  • Updated

Mediagraph's Search bar can be used with various operators to enhance and refine search results. These operators allow for precise and efficient searching across more than 150 different fields. 

Below is a breakdown of many of these operators, along with examples of their usage. For a list of some commonly used search fields, open the tabs at the bottom of the page.

Quick Look

How do I search for a specific filename?

Paste this string into the search bar: filename.keyword:yourfilenamehere


and How do I find all files with no keywords?

Paste this string into the search bar: NOT tag_text:**

No Keywords.png width=

Basic Searching

Input a term directly to search for it across all fields.


dog searches for assets containing "dog" in any searchable field.


Omitting Results

To exclude results with a search term, use the NOT operator or the minus symbol (-).


NOT dog will search for all assets that do not contain "dog" in any searchable field.

Not dog.png

Combining Results

Multiple conditions can be combined using the AND, OR, and NOT operators:


dog AND cat searches for assets containing both "dog" and "cat".

dog OR cat searches for assets containing either "dog" or "cat".

dog NOT cat searches for assets containing "dog" but not "cat".

dog or cat.png

Specific Fields

Specify a field, followed by a colon, to search within that field only.


tag_text:dog searches for assets with a tag containing "dog".

NOT tag_text:dog will search for all assets that do not have a keyword tag containing "dog".


Wildcard Queries

Wildcard queries can be used to find partial matches. If you want to match some, but not all, of a term, use one of two placeholder characters:  * (to match zero or more characters) and ? (to match a single character only) as placeholders.


tag_text:part* searches for assets with any keywords starting with "part".


tag_text:*ial searches for assets with any keywords ending with "ial".

tag_text:*partial* searches for assets with any keywords containing "partial".

tag_text:p*tial searches for assets with any keywords starting with "p" and ending with "tial".

tag_text:?artial searches for assets with any 7-letter keywords ending with "artial". Results would include "partial" and "martial" but not "impartial".

tag_text:** searches for assets with any value in the keyword field.

tag_text:-** searches for assets that do not have keywords.

Complex Queries

Complex queries can be built by combining techniques and using parentheses for grouping:


(dog OR cat) AND ext:jpg searches for .jpg files with "dog" or "cat" in any field.


Searchable Fields

Mediagraph supports searching across more than 150 fields. Open the tabs below to browse a list of the most commonly used fields.

  • Definition

    Field Name




    filename.keyword:dog.jpg will find all assets with filename "dog.jpg".

    GUID (Unique File ID)


    guid:abcd1234will find the asset with ID "abcd1234"

    Video Transcript text


    transcript:dogwill find all videos where "dog" is found in the transcript.

    OCR text (Optical Character Recognition)


    ocr_content:dogwill find all images where OCR detected the word" dog".

    Keywords, including similar terms (e.g. "run" matches "ran" or "running")


    tag_text:dog will find all assets with a the word "dog" anywhere in a keyword (note that this will also return partial matches like "dogwood" for example.)

    AI Auto Tags, including similar terms (e.g. "run" matches "ran" or "running")


    auto_tag_text:dogwill find all assets with a the word "dog" anywhere in an automatically generated keyword (note that this will also return partial matches like "dogwood" for example.)

    Description (IPTC field)


    description:dogwill find all assets with the word "dog" in the IPTC Description field.

    Title (IPTC field)


    title:dog will find all assets with the word "dog" in the IPTC Title field.

    Headline (IPTC field)


    headline:dog will find all assets with the word "dog" in the IPTC Headline field.

    Alt Text (IPTC field)


    alttext:dog will find all assets with the word "dog" in the IPTC Alt Text field.

    Keywords, exact matches only


    tag_names:dog will find all assets with the keyword tag "dog", excluding partial matches.

    Visible Keywords, exact matches only


    visible_tag_names:dog will find all assets with the keyword tag "dog", excluding all hidden keywords.

    AI Auto Tags, exact matches only


    auto_tag_names:dog will find all assets with the auto tag "dog".

  • Definition

    Field Name


    Expired Rights Package? expired expired:TRUEwill find assets with an expired rights package
    NSFW Detected? nsfw_detected nsfw_detected:FALSEwill find images with no NSFW content detected
    NSFW Cleared? nsfw_cleared nsfw_cleared:TRUE will find images that have been cleared for detected NSFW content
    Auto Tagged? auto_tagged auto_tagged:TRUE will find images that have been submitted for AI Auto Tagging
    Faces Searched? faces_indexed faces_indexed:TRUEwill find images that have been submitted for AI Face Tagging
    Has Unidentified Faces? unidentified_faces unidentified_faces:TRUE will find images that have unidentified faces
    Has People? has_people has_people:FALSEwill find images that do not contain people
  • Definition

    Field Name


    Image Width width width:>2000:>2000 will find images wider than 2000 pixels.
    Image Height height height:2000 will find images with a height exactly than 2000 pixels.
    Aspect Ratio (in decimal form) aspect aspect:.8will find images with an aspect ratio of .8, exactly 4:5 or 8:10
    File Size (in megabytes) file_size_mb file_size_mb:<1 will find assets with a file size greater than 1MB
    Rating rating rating:5will find assets wth a rating of 5 stars

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