Turn Off Notifications for Access Requests

Mediagraph Support
Mediagraph Support
  • Updated

Who can use this feature?


Available on all plans

When someone requests access to join your organization, an email notification is automatically sent to every Admin on the account. If you are an Admin and prefer not to receive these notifications, you can easily disable them through your profile settings. A list of membership requests can be found at any time in Manage > Members > Requests, whether or not notifications have been disabled.

Follow the steps below to turn off these notifications.

Turn Off Notifications for Access Requests

  1. While logged in, navigate to your Profile Settings. Hover over the avatar in the top right corner of the Workspace, and select Profile Settings.

  2. Uncheck the box next to Notify New Member Requests to disable notifications.

  3. Ensure that you save your changes. Click Save below the button.

  4. Once saved, you will no longer receive email notifications when someone requests to join the account. Note that this change applies only to your account, and other Admins will continue to receive notifications unless they disable them as well. 

Turn off notifications.png

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