Delete a Lightbox

Mediagraph Support
Mediagraph Support
  • Updated

Who can use this feature?

All members

Available on all plans

When a Lightbox is no longer needed or if you need to start over, you may want to delete it. All members can delete Lightboxes they own, but no one can delete a Lightbox they have been invited to.

Deleting a Lightbox will NOT delete the assets in Mediagraph. If assets were uploaded directly to the Lightbox, those assets will still exist in a Folder in the File Vault.

Tip: We encourage you to archive, rather than delete unless there is nothing of value in the Lightbox. This allows you to return to older Lightboxes at some time in the future.

Delete a Lightbox

  1. Mouse over theInfo_Popup.png Info pop-over next to the Lightbox you wish to delete.
  2. Click Delete in the lower right corner of the Info pop-over.
  3. Click OK.


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