Change default asset sequence in a Lightbox

Mediagraph Support
Mediagraph Support
  • Updated

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Every Lightbox has its own individual sequence settings. The default sequence is the order the files are presented in when a visitor views on the Lightbox. You can sort assets by upload time, capture time, file name, file size, rating or select your own custom order. The owner of the Lightbox is the only person who can change the default sort order.

Lightbox visitors and members will also see the sort order options, and can choose to display the files according to another sequence, but only the Lightbox Owner can set a new default.


Setting default sequence in a Lightbox

  1. Select one of your Lightboxes.
  2. Mouse over the Sort_Arrows.pngsort order arrows in the upper right corner of the workspace.
  3. Choose a different sort criteria.
  4. The Save button will appear. Click Save to set as the new default

Setting a custom sequence in a Lightbox

  1. Select one of your Lightboxes.
  2. Mouse over theSort_Arrows.pngsort order arrows in the upper right corner of the workspace.
  3. Click on Custom and hit Save.
  4. As you drag files to a new sequence in the Lightbox the new sequence will be saved automatically.

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