General members do not have the ability to upload files into the File Vault unless it is through a Lightbox or a contribution request. Groups can have their own contribution requests, but there may be instances where you want all Mediagraph members to be able to upload content (i.e. a social media request). Admins have the ability to create an organization wide contribution request that every member can upload files into.
Follow these steps to create an organization wide contribution request.
Create an All Member Contribution Request
- Go to Manage > Uploads section.
- Click the + Add New button in the top right corner.
- Give your contribution request a name and description (optional).
- Select a storage folder for assets to live in. Note you have the ability to create and move Storage Folders.
- You do not need to change any other settings unless you want to make your upload request more robust (keep reading to learn how you can customize your upload request).
- Click Save Contribution.
Customizing a contribution request
Learn more about the different ways you can customize an all-member contribution request.
Add some information to tell members what you want them to upload.
- Check the box to feature the request on the Upload Page.
- Create a direct contribution link to send to members
There are several different options for tagging Group uploads.
Automatic Tags
Automatic tags will be applied to all Group member uploads. Enter automatic tags in the field under "Add these tags to all Group uploads". Users will not see an option to apply these tags, it will happen automatically.
Creator Tags
Check the box "Require Creator Tag" to require members to apply a creator tag upon upload. Users will not be able to upload files until they tag a creator.
Tag Suggesters
Tag Suggesters keep tagging consistent for member uploads. A Tag Suggester is a cluster of related tags (ex. Animals: Cow, Pig, Chicken, Dog, Cat) that you want to be easily accessible to users upon upload. Follow these steps to use tag suggesters:
- Check the box "Enable Tag Suggesters".
- Use the dropdown menu "Select Existing" to select from existing Tag Suggesters.
- Or create a new Tag Suggester in Group management: Click the tab "Create New Tag Suggester". Give it a name and add the tags. Click + Create and Add.
- Check the box "Required" if you want to require users to select at least one tag from the Tag Suggester.
Create a list of Rights Packages for members to choose from.
- Check the box if you would like to require members to select a Rights Package.