Tag Mode

Mediagraph Support
Mediagraph Support
  • Updated

Who can use this feature?

Admins, Content Managers, Library Managers and Taggers

Available on all plans

Enter Tag Mode in the Tag Tree to quickly add or remove tags from assets. Taggers and above have the ability to enter Tag Mode by clicking on theTag_Mode.pngtag icon in the upper right corner of the Tag Tree panel. When in Tag Mode you can see all keywords in the tag tree (including ones that have not yet been assigned) and quickly add/remove tags from assets.

Using Tag Mode

In Tag Mode Tag Indicators become toggles you can use to quickly add/remove tags from assets.

  • When you select an asset, all the tags applied to that asset will get a Tag_Indicator_Blue_Check.png blue check mark.
  • Click the Tag_Indicator_Blue_Check.png blue checkmark to remove the tag, or click a blank tag indicator to add that tag to the asset.
  • When a Tag Indicator has a tag_indicator_square.pngblue square, it means that some of the selected assets have this tag, but not all of them do. Click the blue square to apply that tag to all selected assets, and again to remove the tag.

Browse Mode

Browse_Mode.pngUsers cannot see tags without assets assigned to them and tag indicators are ghosted.

Tag Mode

Tag_Mode_1.pngUsers see tags without assets assigned to them, can click tag indicators to add/remove tags and have better visualization of what tags are applied to an asset.

When you apply a tag to an asset Mediagraph automatically applies all parent tags to the asset. For example, in the Tag Tree pictured above if you applied the tag “Bluebird” to an asset, that asset would also receive the tags “Cheese” and “Food”, but not “Subject” because that is the Tag Organizer.

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