How to rearrange Tags in the Tag Tree

Mediagraph Support
Mediagraph Support
  • Updated

Who can use this feature?

Admins, Content Managers and Library Managers

Available on all plans

You want to organize the Tag Tree in a way that makes sense for your assets and members. The goal is to and highlight people, things or events that are important to your organization.

When you add a Tag to the Tag Tree it will often appear as a top-level tag, follow these instructions to move tags around to create and edit your organizations Tag Tree

Rearrange Tags

  • Click the Rearrange_Mode.pngpencil at the top of the Tag Tree to enter Edit Mode.
  • Drag Tags to desired location in the Tag Tree.
  • Changes will save automatically. Click the Rearrange_Mode_-_Shaded.pngpencil to exit Edit Mode when finished.


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