Add, edit and remove metadata

Mediagraph Support
Mediagraph Support
  • Updated

Who can use this feature?

Taggers and above

Available on all plans

Mediagraph was designed from the ground up to help you put your metadata to work, helping you use more than 150 metadata fields make connections between your content. Beyond making your content discoverable, Mediagraph makes it easy to comprehensively tag your assets with this rich metadata. Take a look below to see some of the ways to add, edit and remove metadata.

Drag-and-drop onto the filter panel

One of the simplest ways to add metadata to assets -- whether one, ten or 1,000 of them -- is by drag and drop onto the filter panel. Drag-and-drop can be used to add a Keyword tag, Creator tag, Creation Date, or Rights Package.

  1. Select the asset(s) you want to tag. Use the shift button to select multiple files continuously or discontinuously.
  2. Click one of the thumbnails and drag it over your desired tag in the left-hand sidebar. If properly selected, the tag will turn green.
  3. Drop it onto the tag. Metadata will automatically be updated.
Drag and drop onto the filter panel.png

Edit Metadata in the Action Menu

To add, edit, or remove other kinds of metadata to your assets, you can use the action menu. This can be done for single assets or in bulk. The tools in the Edit Metadata window allow you to specify whether you want to add, remove, or append metadata. You can also specify "Only Add if Blank".

    1. Select the asset(s) you want to tag. Use the shift button to select multiple files continuously or discontinuously.
    2. Open the action menu by clicking the gear icon. This is found in two places: in the top toolbar, or in the bottom left corner of each thumbnail.
    3. In the window that opens, make your desired changes. If prompted, select whether you want to Append, Overwrite, or Add if Blank. Only those fields which you change will be edited.
    4. At the bottom of the window, click Submit. The metadata will automatically be updated.
    Edit Metadata with the Action Menu.png

Use Edit Mode in the Asset Detail View

When you want to view or edit a single asset's metadata in detail, you can do so in the Asset Detail View.

  1. Double click an asset's thumbnail, or with it selected, hit the space bar.
  2. Scroll down below the preview.
  3. Click the Browse Mode/Edit Mode toggle to enter edit mode. You can also hit the e key on your keyboard.
  4. Open the panels to access different types of metadata fields.
  5. Make your desired changes. Fields with radio button selection will be updated automatically. For free text fields, click the pencil to edit, and click Save when finished. Edit Metadata in the Asset Detail View.png

Edit metadata in the Table view

Tagging a large number of assets with keyword tags, descriptions, or ratings can also be done in the Table view.

  1. In the top right corner of the Workspace, hover over the eye icon to open View Settings.
  2. Click Table.
  3. Add or edit your desired metadata:
    • To open the free text Description field, click the pencil.
    • To edit a rating, click the desired star level.
    • To edit keyword tags, click anywhere in the field.
  4. If updating a description or adding a keyword tag, hit the return key to confirm. Changes to ratings will be updated automatically.
  5. Remove a keyword tag by clicking the X next to its name.
table view.png

Add or remove keyword tags in Tag Mode

Quickly add or remove keyword tags in Tag Mode. Tag Mode allows you to see all the tags in the Tag Tree, even those which have not yet been applied to any asset. When you select an asset in Tag Mode, all the tags that have been applied to it will be marked with a blue check. To learn more about Tag Mode, see our article here.

  1. In the Tag Trees panel, click the Tag Mode/Browse Mode toggle.
  2. Click the radio button next to a tag's name to add it to (or remove it from) any selected asset(s). Changes will be saved automatically.
  3. Click the toggle again to exit Tag Mode.

Tag Mode.png

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