You can add members to a Group when you first create a Group, or go back into Group Management and add members later. Adding a member to a Group will give them access to all Group Libraries and Group contribution requests.
There are several ways to add members to a Group:
- Select Existing Members: Choose from existing Mediagraph users.
- Invite Non-Members: If you invite non-members to join your Group, they will receive an email asking them to join your Mediagraph organization. They must create an account to join a Group.
- Add by Domain: You can add all existing Mediagraph members with a certain email domain to a Group.
Add existing members to a Group
Follow these steps to automatically add existing Mediagraph members to a Group.
- Enter the Manage tab and click Groups on the left-side menu.
- Locate the Group you would like to edit. Click Edit to open Group management.
- Click to open the Add Members tab.
- Click to open the Select from Existing tab. You can use the filters on the left to narrow down members to choose from.
- Select users you would like to add to your Group.
- Click the blue arrow to add users to the Group
- Click Save Group. The members you selected will now be added to the Group.
Invite non-members to a Group
Follow these steps to invite new people to your Mediagraph organization.
- Enter the Manage tab and click Groups on the left-side menu.
- Locate the Group you would like to edit. Click Edit to open Group management.
- Click to open the Edit Members tab.
- Click to open the Invite New tab.
- Enter email addresses separated by a semicolon. These people will get an email inviting them to join your Mediagraph organization.
- Add some extra text to the email invite (optional).
- Click Save Group. Emails will be sent inviting these people to join your Mediagraph organization.
Add by domain
Follow these steps to automatically add all existing Mediagraph members with a certain email domain.
- Enter the Manage tab and click User Groups on the left-side menu.
- Locate the Group you would like to edit. Click Edit to open Group management.
- Click to open the Edit Members tab.
- Click to open the Add by Domain tab.
- Enter the domain name (e.g.
- Click Save Group. All existing Mediagraph members with this domain will automatically be added to this Group.